Oct 24
I recently asked my five year old grandson to write his first blog. Below is what he typed on the computer and added to my Facebook page:
Guest Post by Taylor Cookman
What makes Nana and Papa’s house special is their toy’s and TV. I also like to go with Nana and Papa to the Farmer’s Market to eat chicken nuggets. Papa and Nana are fun to play with. Nana and me like to play crosswords. Me and Papa like to play trains. I also like to go to the Parade of Homes in Raleigh with Nana and Papa and Mommy and Daddy, and look in the homes.
My Favorite Things to do in Emerald Isle
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Categories: Crystal Coast Memories, Emerald Isle Beach Talk, Emerald Isle Fun Things
Oct 21
In case you haven’t heard about this Crystal Coast family event, the Annual Carolina Kite Fest is scheduled
for this upcoming weekend on the dates of October 25-26. The 21st Annual Carolina Kite Fest will be held at the Sheraton Atlantic Beach Hotel.
Hours of the Annual Atlantic Beach Kite Fest Event
Categories: Atlantic Beach Fun Things To Do, Crystal Coast Events
Oct 13
The 54th edition of Swansboro’s Mullet Festival got off to a soggy start on Saturday with dreary weather
ruling the day. Even Saturday’s night events had to be canceled. Improved weather conditions greeted festival attendees on Sunday.
No – We Don’t Pay Homage to a Bad 80’s Haircut!
For my faithful readers who are not from around North Carolina’s Crystal Coast communities, no the folks in Swansboro, NC do not pay homage to the 1980’s “mullet” haircut with an annual festival. A “mullet” is a fish.
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Categories: Crystal Coast Events, Crystal Coast News
Oct 05
Annual Crystal Coast Seafood Festival is a Big Hit!
There was no hint of a financial downturn judging from the throng that filled the Morehead City waterfront for
this years’ 2008 Seafood Festival. Beautiful fall weather greeted a shoulder to shoulder crowd. Great aromas filled the sun-drenched air as the throng munched on a smorgasbord of delicious foods. A crowd favorite was shrimp on the bar-bee along with the usual fair of elephant ears and roasted corn. The kids stood in line for their favorite carnival rides and moms and dads armed with video and digital camera’s snapped memorable photos.
2nd Largest Festival in NC
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Categories: Crystal Coast Events, Crystal Coast Memories, Crystal Coast News
Oct 03
Now that school is back in session, and the summer crowds are gone, you might be wondering what’s left to do on that quick weekend getaway to the Crystal Coast. Just remember, with less crowds and pleasant weather in the fall months, it’s an ideal time to visit Emerald Isle. If you’re coming for a weekend or maybe even a fall vacation and you’re not quite sure what you and the kids should do, here are my top 4 things every family should do when coming for your Crystal Coast fall getaway.
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Categories: Atlantic Beach Fun Things To Do, Crystal Coast Vacation Tips, Emerald Isle Beach Talk
Sep 17
We Don’t Own the Flip Flops Shop in Emerald Isle
I’m amazed at the amount of emails and comments I receive here at the Crystal Coast Blog from people who
think I own the Flip Flops store in Emerald Isle. Then again, it’s really easy to understand. People “Google” the search term “Flip Flops in Emerald Isle” and my Crystal Coast Blog appears on page one (1) of the search results. Naturally, when people read my wife’s favorable comments posted here at our blog about Flip Flops, they assume that my wife Pam and I are the owners. Here’s the thing, we do not own the shop.
Flip Flops Needs Their Own Website
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Categories: Crystal Coast Treasures, Emerald Isle Beach Talk
Sep 07
Good news! Tropical Storm Hannah was actually no worse than a strong Northeaster as they say here on the Crystal Coast and everyone weathered the storm with little fanfare. The storm did develop some pretty serious rip currents and the local surfers took advantage of the high surf otherwise damage was minimal.
Future Weather Updates from the Crystal Coast!
Stay tuned to the Crystal Coast Blog for more updates on tropical storms and hurricane advisories for the remainder of this hurricane season.
Did your Crystal Coast Property Experience any Damage?
While I’ve heard of no real property damage to speak of, did your Emerald Isle, Salter Path, Indian Beach, Pine Knoll Shores or Atlantic Beach home experience any damage? Be sure to leave a comment and let us know.
Stay safe,
Categories: Crystal Coast Events, Crystal Coast News, Emerald Isle Beach Talk
Sep 04
Based on current projections issued by the National Hurricane Center, it appears Tropical Storm Hanna will intensify into a hurricane before making landfall along the South Carolina/North Carolina border. NOAA’s website also indicates the developing tropical storm will make landfall shortly after midnight Saturday morning. Because major damage can occur especially on the east side of a hurricane, all precautions should be made to protect life and property along the Southern Outer Banks.

Listen to Local Crystal Coast Authorities
If you reside along the Crystal Coast towns of Emerald Isle, Salter Path, Indian Beach, Pine Knoll Shores and Atlantic Beach it is strongly recommended you be attentive to any and all announcements by local authorities as this storm approaches the east coast of the US. If orders are given to evacuate the barrier island of Bogue Banks, do so. If you have rented a beach cottage or condo on the Crystal Coast and plan to arrive this weekend, it is recommended you contact your Crystal Coast real estate agency for information about your rental prior to your arrival date.
It is obviously our prayers this storm stay far out in the Atlantic away from the coast of the US.
Categories: Crystal Coast News, Crystal Coast Rental Advice
Aug 25
Ok, I’m sure this post will get all the Blackberry “Crackberry” loving real estate agents fuming. As a former Moto Q owner, I joined the masses that crossed over to the dark side and purchased an iPhone in mid-July. According to several websites, since the introduction of the 3G generation of the iPhone, an estimated 3 million units have been sold. That’s a staggering number. Based on the many Twitter conversations I follow, a bunch of agents all over the US are new iPhone owners.
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Categories: Emerald Isle Beach Talk, Emerald Isle Real Estate
Aug 11
Great Coffee and FREE Wi-Fi!
If you are in need of a great cup of joe and a quick surf on the Internet while you’re visiting Emerald Isle, you
must swing by Beans-N-Screens Internet Cafe in the Emerald Plantation shopping center. Kim Ervin and her great team of expert baristas will whip up your favorite latte or espresso in no time.
Emerald Isle Real Estate Agents – How about this Idea!
If you’re out showing Emerald isle condos or single-family vacation homes, why not stop by Beans-N-Screens and take advantage of their free WI-FI Internet access. Even better, why not schedule a regular time each week you will be “camped-out” at Beans-N-Screens to answer questions about Emerald Isle real estate and provide FREE MLS home searches for those vacation visitors who stop by for a cup of their favorite blend. Heck – why not make a big statement and give away a few cups of coffee to your guest!
Great Coffee – Even Better Service!
What I love about Kim and her staff is they know how to have fun and serve great coffee. From the finest expresso straight from Italy to the best organic grinds, Beans-N-Screens has it all!
Your Crystal Coast Blog Recommendation!
Beans-N-Screens is my personal favorite hangout for great coffee and free WIFI in Emerald Isle. In fact, I wrote this post while in this very cool Emerald Isle coffee shop and I highly recommend this local business to locals and visitors alike!
Until next time,
P.S. Summer hours at Beans-N-Screens are Monday-Friday open 6AM, close at 8PM and weekends Beans-N-Screens opens at 7AM and they close nightly at 8PM.
Categories: Emerald Isle Beach Talk, Emerald Isle Fun Things, Emerald Isle Real Estate