Thoughts From the Inman Connect Real Estate Conference in NYC

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As a licensed North Carolina real estate broker, I receive immense fulfillment from helping my clients in real estate marketing, blogging and social media navigation. As a part of those passions, I had the pleasure of attending the Inman Real Estate Connect Conference in New York last week with my son, Brad CarrollBrad was asked to participate as a panelist in a breakout session on “Build a World Class Agent Web Site” moderated by Bernice Ross.

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Categories: Crystal Coast News, Real Estate Technology

Big Plans for the Crystal Coast Blog in 2009!

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It is painfully obvious that I have been a total slacker when it comes to posting regularly here at the Crystal Coast Blog over the last few months. I’m going to use an “excuse” I hear often from my real estate agent clients and friends, “I’ve been too busy to blog“. There, I used the excuse and it’s still a totally lame reason not to blog (IHMO).

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Categories: Crystal Coast News, Emerald Isle Beach Talk, Emerald Isle Real Estate

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